215 Shore Dr
Highlands, NJ 07732
Phone 732-872-2022

Mon- Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Sat-Sun Closed

© Housing Authority of the Borough of Highlands

Open RFPS/Bids

Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-23, all potential bidders must be notified of any addenda issued no later than seven days prior to the bid due date.  Bidders who have downloaded specifications are responsible to check this website again at least seven days prior to the bid open date for addenda, if any, which have been issued. Notice of addenda issued is also publicly advertised no later than seven days prior to the bid open date. The Highlands Housing Authority is not responsible if bidders who download bid documents from this website submit incomplete bids because they are not aware of addenda issued. Bidders are encouraged to check back often for addenda.

For more info or program assistance please email:

Justin McClary jmcclary@perthamboyha.org


Lee Mestres lmestres@perthamboyha.org

Please submit this form to access and download each RFP/BIDS.